General Writing Rules on How to Write a Good Thesis Paper
Writing a good thesis is paper takes lots of practice. Writing well may come easier for some than others, but no one is above improving his or her writing. Here are general writing rules on how to write a good thesis paper. Use these general rules to get you started in the right direction of improving your thesis writing.
Rules of Structure in a Thesis Paper
- All good thesis papers start with an introductory paragraph that gives general information on what your paper will be about that concludes with your thesis statement That is, what you intend to state or prove within the body of the paper.
- The body of the paper provides the reader with background information on the topic first and then leads into research and evidence that supports your argument, the main thesis statement.
- All well written thesis papers end with concluding paragraphs where the topic is neatly re-summarized and the original thesis statement is reworded, however, this time with great certainty. This can be done because you have supported your original thesis statement with evidence.
Rules of Mechanics and Tone in a Thesis Paper
- Contractions are not used. Words are fully written out. With that, slang words are never used either. The basis behind this is that thesis papers are expected to have a professional tone. So, there is no informal writing.
- Because of the professional tone, thesis paper writing is not written in the first or second person. Using first or second person is considered not appropriate. Therefore, be sure to write in third person.
- It is expected that all terms be politically correct. It is expected that the reader will not be offended based on race, sex, religion, political affiliation or other potentially discriminating heading.
Rules of Precision and Cohesiveness in a Thesis Paper
- Good thesis papers are neatly put together and very precise. They are edited and re-edited to omit excessive wordiness and to keep the writing tight and cohesive.
- One presented idea or thought must flow coherently to the next both within a paragraph and from one paragraph to the next.
- It is expected that the paper will not be filled with too many quotations. Quotations and cited sources are used to support and help validate your thesis statement. Therefore, they are important. However, the whole of the paper is expected to be original with new material introduced solely by you.
These are the basic rules in paper thesis writing. As long as you adhere to these general rules of structure, mechanics, tone, and precision, you will be well on your way to writing a solid thesis paper.