Creating A Strong Research Paper On Eating Disorders: Thesis Statement Writing Tips
These research papers discuss issues relating to abnormal attitudes towards food, and which change eating habits and behaviour. Study of eating habits and behaviours has been on focus for some time now, especially since they carry damaging results such as increased obesity among children. There are many issues to focus on when writing this type of paper, from the types of disorders, their causes to effects. A strong research paper will detail present data and information (not very old data) on eating disorders. One might have to narrow down on a particular country or area if it is a case study paper.
Identify all the types of eating disorder
A paper on the types of eating disorder can begin by identifying all the types of eating disorder - there are many types, from anorexia nervosa, bulimia, to binge eating. It can then explain each in detail. First, a thesis statement is the argument a writer will consider as central in his writing. The related thesis statement would, for instance, focus on taking a position on which is the most prevalent type of eating disorder. It may also take a position on which is most prevalent among a given age group such as children. One can also provide data from recognized institutions about these issues.
Write a thesis statement
In discussing the causes of eating disorder, a researcher can focus on the main cause in writing the thesis statement. For instance, asserting that the lack of parental guidance on best eating habits among children is the major cause of eating disorders as the thesis statement. A student/writer must, however, do some investigations on the causes of the disorder, to ensure that the statement is developed from a point of knowledge. Investigations also must be done in consideration of reputable sources - for instance peer-reviewed articles from established journals in medicine or food science.
Write about the causes and effects
While discussing causes of eating disorders, a writer/student might focus on what the major cause of the disorder they think is. Again, some background checks from existing literature will ensure that the statement is developed from a position of knowledge other than guess work. Remember, the thesis statement must be proved by evidence later on the body of the paper. If the lecturer has not specified the topic, it is advisable to carry out a background check to see which areas have enough materials before getting started. This will be critical to avoiding a writer's block and quickening the writing process.
Always remember to make the thesis statement as catchy as possible. It should also be clear about the issues targeted. A strong paper must also be revised to remove grammatical errors.